Universal Pictures released The Dark Crystal on December 17, 1982. Jim Henson and Frank Oz directed the film starring Jim Henson, Kathryn Mullen, and Frank Oz.
‘The Dark Crystal’ 30-Second Summary
Once upon a time, a crystal that was the source of Balance and Truth in the Universe was shattered. It dividied the world into two factions: the wicked Skeksis and the peaceful Mystics. Now, as the convergence of the three suns approaches, the Crystal must be healed, or darkness will reign forevermore! It’s up to Jen – the last of his race – to fulfill the prophecy that a Gelfling will return the missing shard to the Crystal and destroy the Skeksis’ evil Empire. Will young Jen’s courage be any match for the unknown dangers that await him?
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Universal Pictures released The Dark Crystal on December 17, 1982. Jim Henson and Frank Oz directed the film starring Jim Henson, Kathryn Mullen, and Frank Oz.