Werewolves Within (2021)
Film and Plot Synopsis
Based on the 2016 video game of the same name, Werewolves Within tells the tale of a series of werewolf attacks in a small mountain town. Forest Ranger Finn Wheeler is the most recent addition to the town of Beaverfield. The town is divided over the issue of a proposed gas pipeline being built through Beaverfield. However, when people, and pets, begin dying unexpectedly, the town residents’ petty problems turn into major suspicions as everyone suspects everyone else of being a werewolf. Can everyman Finn reunite the town before they can all be picked off one by one?
‘Werewolves Within’ Movie Summary
Finn Wheeler (Sam Richardson) is forest ranger who has recently been reassigned to the small town of Beaverfield. The town is in the midst of a small civil war over the issue of a pipeline being built through the town by businessman Sam Parker (Wayne Duvall). Many of the townspeople oppose the pipeline and refuse to sell their property to accommodate its construction while others wish to capitalize on the lucrative business opportunity. Upon arriving in town, Finn checks into the local inn which is operated by Jeanine Sherman (Catherine Curtin), a woman whose husband Dave (Patrick M. Walsh) recently left her. Also staying at the inn are Sam and the town’s newest mail carrier, the quirky Cecily Moore (Milana Vayntrub).
Cecily offers to give Finn a tour of the town and introduces him to the other residents: blue collar workers and partial anarchists Gwen and Marcus (Sarah Burns and George Basil), wealthy gay couple Devon and Joaquim Wolfson (Cheyenne Jackson and Harvey Guillén), Trisha Anderson (Michaela Watkins) and her unfaithful husband Pete (Michael Chernus), and anti-government isolationist Emerson Flint (Glenn Fleshler), who nearly kills Finn in their first encounter.
During Finn’s first night in town, a blizzard knocks out all the power to Beaverfield. During the night, Trisha allows her dog to go out the dog door to use the bathroom, but the small animal is killed by an unknown animal or person. Eventually all the residents gather at the inn to figure out what to do. The next morning, Finn uses his binoculars to confirm that an avalanche not only took out the power and phone lines, but it completely knocked out the only road into Beaverfield, leaving the residents entirely on their own. Finn begins inspecting the generators to see why they are not generating power and discovers that each of them has been disabled by being slashed by some unknown item. To make matters worse, Finn discovers the partially devoured body of Dave underneath the inn’s porch.
With the discovery of the body, the town’s residents start to panic. Environmentalist Dr. Jane Ellis (Rebecca Henderson), another resident of the inn, states that Dave was killed by some sort of animal attack. She takes tissue samples and begins running some tests. At the same time, Finn and Cecily return to Emerson’s cabin to seek his assistance in tracking and either capturing or killing the animal that killed Dave. As Finn tries to convince Emerson to help, Cecily finds Trisha’s dog’s collar on Emerson’s mantle. Finn and Cecily quickly retreat from the cabin and return to the inn, where they inform every one of their findings. Everyone suspects Emerson of being the killer and decides to stay in the inn for the night for safety.
Heavens to… oh fuck. Finn Wheeler (Sam Richardson)
During the night, Pete is attacked by some sort of animal in the hallway and loses his hand. Gwen shoots at the animal, but appears to only hit Pete, who initially survives the attack and the gunshot. Shortly afterwards, Dr. Ellis finishes running her tests and concludes that Dave was killed by a werewolf. Even worse, she shares with the inn’s inhabitants that one of them is most likely the killer as the entire inn was closed off during the night. Before Dr. Ellis can provide any additional information, the doctor is killed. Sam claims Dr. Ellis killed herself, but everyone is suspicious of him since he was the only other person in the room with her when she died.
Tensions rise within the inn as no one trusts each other. Ultimately, everyone decides to leave the inn and returns to their homes except Finn and Cecily. Sam goes to his vehicle and begins arming himself with silver weapons. Finn and Cecily investigate Sam’s room and Finn finds a knife that smells of gasoline which causes him to suspect that Sam sliced all the generators. Cecily also finds some newspapers around the room that detail other attacks in other towns that follow the path of the pipeline and Finn’s previous assignments. At Trisha’s house, Pete passes away from his injuries. Trisha becomes unhinged and goes on her own murder spree. Marcus is accidentally run down and killed by Gwen in their truck. Trisha shoots Gwen in the head. Trisha also kills Devon for previous slights against her. Ultimately, Trisha is killed as well. Joaquim is shot with a silver arrow by Sam, who reveals that he has been hunting the werewolf across the county. Sam announces that he believes that Finn is the werewolf and threatens to kill Cecily unless Finn gives himself up. Before Sam can kill Finn or Cecily, Joaquim shoots one of Sam’s propane tankers before dying himself. The resulting explosion kills Sam.
In the aftermath, Cecily takes Finn to the local bar to patch him up from his injuries. While Cecily steps away, Finn realizes that Dave was the town’s previous mailman and becomes suspicious of Cecily. He confronts her on being the second most recent addition to the town and his suspicions of her being a werewolf. Cecily admits to being a werewolf and transforms. She confesses to turning the town residents against each other to make feasting on them easier. Emerson arrives and briefly knocks Cecily unconscious with a snow shovel; but she quickly recovers and begins attack both men. Finn ultimately gets the upper hand and appears to kill Cecily. However, Cecily rebounds and moves to attack an unsuspecting Finn and Emerson who are saved by Jeanine who uses Sam’s crossbow to shoot a silver arrow into Cecily, killing her. Finn, Emerson, and Jeanine then go off to have some sandwiches.
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IFC Films released Werewolves Within on June 25, 2021. Josh Ruben directed the film starring Sam Richardson, Milana Vayntrub, and George Basil.