Nyad (2023)
Film and Plot Synopsis
A remarkable true story of tenacity, friendship, and the triumph of the human spirit, NYAD recounts a riveting chapter in the life of world-class athlete Diana Nyad. Three decades after giving up marathon swimming in exchange for a prominent career as a sports journalist, at the age of 60, Diana (four-time Academy Award nominee Annette Bening) becomes obsessed with completing an epic swim that always eluded her: the 110-mile trek from Cuba to Florida, referred to as the “Mount Everest” of swims. Determined to become the first person to finish the swim without a shark cage, Diana goes on a thrilling four-year journey with her best friend and coach Bonnie Stoll (two-time Academy Award winner Jodie Foster) and a dedicated sailing team. (Courtesy of Netflix)
‘Nyad’ Movie Summary
The public takes little notice of her announcement of her second attempt. Diana relocates to Key West with Bonnie and hires navigator John Bartlett (Rhys Ifans) to plot a course and ascertain when the weather conditions will be ideal for the swim. Diana’s previous swim was hindered by the use of a shark cage to protect her. To solve the problem, Diana opts to swim with a Shark Shield, an electronic shark repellant device.
Diana makes her second attempt in August of 2011. Diana completes approximately half of the swim before unfavorable ocean currents continually push her off course and cause her to quit early. Undeterred, Diana makes a third attempt a little over a month later. However, Diana swims through a herd of box jellyfish during the night and is stung repeatedly. Diana has to be pulled from the ocean and administered a shot for the jellyfish venom. During the incident, Diana hallucinates about her past, including abuse she suffered at the hands of her swim coach, Jack Nelson (Eric T. Miller) when she was a child.
After the incident and while Diana recovers in a hospital, Bonnie expresses her worry to Diana about the severity of the dangers to Diana at her age. She also expresses her concern that Diana is letting her personal dream overshadow the safety of the boat crew. Diana remains undeterred and convinces Bonnie to allow her to try again. The pair consult with a box jellyfish expert (Jeena Yi) who warns Diana that she cannot be stung again as the poison builds up over time and could kill her. However, the expert does help in designing a protective suit that Diana can wear at night when she swims. Diana and Bonnie convince the box jellyfish expert to join the swim team to help Diana.
Just because we are on a one-way street hurtling to death doesn’t mean we have to succumb to mediocrity. Diana Nyad (Annette Bening)
In August 2012, Diana insists on making another attempt despite warnings from John about the unfavorable weather conditions. During the swim, a thunderstorm breaks out, and John’s boat starts to flood. Bonnie calls for Diana to abort the swim despite Diana’s repeated insistence to keep going. Once everyone is safely back on land, Diana refuses to quit and continues making plans to try again. Diana and Bonnie get into fight about Diana’s self-centeredness. Bonnie expresses how Diana is not concerned about the safety of anyone on the team including herself. Ultimately, Bonnie quits as trainer and leaves.
A few weeks later, Diana calls John and apologizes for her behavior, ultimately admitting that he was right for recommending against the last attempt. John accepts the apology but informs Diana that he will not be apart of another swim due to financial concerns. Not long afterwards, Diana visits Bonnie and the two old friends reconcile. Bonnie informs Diana that Nelson died, and the news compels Diana to reflect on her own trauma. A short time later, Bonnie agrees to train Diana again. John also returns to act as navigator. He confides in Bonnie that his health is failing and that he only has a few months more to live. He expresses that he wants to be involved one last time to see what Diana can do.
On August 31, 2013, Diana begins her final attempt. Diana is helped by favorable currents but is hindered when the Shark Shield temporarily fails requiring crew members to jump into the water to ward off a shark. As the hours tick away, Diana’s body begins to succumb to the exhaustion, and she begins to have hallucinatory visions. Bonnie jumps into the water and implores Diana to keep going. After two days, the coastline of Key West shows up on the horizon and the entire boat crew pushes Diana to keep going.
On September 2, 2013, Diana makes it to the shores of Key West after swimming for 53 consecutive hours. Hordes of spectators and fans gather to watch as she struggles to walk unassisted out of the water and onto the beach. Ultimately, she makes it out of the water and officially completes her quest. While on the beach, she gives credit to her team for her success.
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Netflix released Nyad on October 20, 2023. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin directed the film starring Annette Bening, Jodie Foster, and Anne Marie Kempf.