Superman Returns (2006)
Film and Plot Synopsis
“Superman Returns” is a superhero film released in 2006, directed by Bryan Singer and based on the DC Comics character Superman. Serving as a continuation of the story established in the earlier Superman films, particularly “Superman” (1978) and “Superman II” (1980), the movie explores the return of Superman, the iconic hero from the planet Krypton, to Earth after an extended absence. The film follows Superman’s efforts to resume his role as Earth’s protector, reconcile with his past, and confront new threats to humanity, including his arch-nemesis Lex Luthor.
‘Superman Returns’ Movie Summary
As Superman resumes his superhero duties, he faces a world that has grown skeptical of his abilities and motives. Some view him as a savior, while others question the need for a super-powered protector in a world that has learned to fend for itself. Surprisingly, Lois is one of those who question the need for Superman as she won her Pulitzer for writing the article “Why the World Doesn’t Need Superman.” Despite the mixed reactions, Superman remains committed to upholding truth, justice, and the American way, using his powers to protect the innocent and thwart criminals.
Meanwhile, Superman’s arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey), is released from prison and resumes his quest for power and domination. With the help of his henchwoman, Kitty Kowalski (Parker Posey), Luthor embarks on a plan to create a new continent using Kryptonian technology stolen from Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. Luthor’s scheme involves triggering a series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Atlantic Ocean, causing widespread destruction and chaos. His goal is to create a new landmass off the East Coast that he can claim as his own, thereby making himself the richest and most powerful man on Earth. To facilitate his plan, Luthor steals Kryptonite from the Metropolis Museum of Natural History and a Kryptonian crystal stolen from Superman’s Fortress of Solitude.
You will be different, sometimes you’ll feel like an outcast, but you’ll never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son. Superman (Brandon Routh)
Luthor takes a yacht out to sea to implement his plan. Lois and Jason board the yacht not knowing that Luthor is using it for his plan. They are held hostage on the boat. When Luthor pulls out the Kryptonite, Jason reacts to the rock, causing Luthor to question who his father is. Luthor throws the Kryptonite and the crystal into the ocean together which triggers a massive earthquake and begins creating a new landmass. At the same time, Lois attempts to escape and is stopped by one of Luthor’s henchmen who attacks her. She is saved by Jason when he surprisingly throws a piano at the henchman.
In the meantime, the earthquake threatens to destroy Metropolis, the bustling city that serves as Superman’s adopted home. With the fate of millions hanging in the balance, Superman must summon all his strength and courage to stop Luthor and save the city from certain destruction. At the same time, Richard steals a seaplane and flies out to the yacht to rescue his fiancée and son. Superman ultimately confronts Luthor. Superman is weakened by his exposure to the Kryptonite in the new landmass. Luthor and his henchmen are able to overpower the Man of Steel, and Luthor stabs Superman in the back with the Kryptonite, leaving a piece of the Kryptonite in the stab wound. Luthor throws Superman into the ocean where he proceeds to drown. He is saved by Lois before helping her and her family take off in the seaplane.
Superman uses the last of his strength to lift the entire landmass into orbit and throw it into space. Luthor and Kitty escape in their helicopter. After, Superman plummets unconscious back to Earth and crashes into Metropolis. Superman is taken to the hospital where the doctors desperately attempt to save him. They remove the Kryptonite fragment from his back, but Superman does not immediately regain consciousness. Lois visits Superman in the hospital and whispers something in his ear before kissing him.
A short time later, Superman regains consciousness and visits a sleeping Jason, who he realizes is his son. He recites a speech that his father, Jor-El (Marlon Brando), stated to him through the crystals years before. Lois begins writing an article titled “Why the World Needs Superman.” Superman tells her that he is back to stay, knowing that their love cannot be, and flies off into the sky, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead in his mission to protect the world.
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Warner Bros. Pictures released Superman Returns on June 28, 2006. Bryan Singer directed the film starring Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, and Kate Bosworth.