
Escape from NY (1981)

Film and Plot Synopsis

As crime ravages our world, the entire island of Manhattan becomes walled prison where brutal prisoners roam. However, when the US president’s plane crash-lands inside, only one man can bring him back; the notorious outlaw and former Special Forces war hero named Snake Plissken. His time is short. In 24 hours, an explosive device implanted in his neck will end Snake’s mission – and his life – unless he succeeds!

‘Escape from NY’ Movie Summary

The summary below contains spoilers.
Escape from NY (1981)Escape from NY begins in 1988, and the national crime rate has spiked by 400% in the United States. The island of Manhattan has been revamped into a National Maximum Security Penitentiary. This prison is surrounded by a Donald Trump inspired 50-foot containment wall, a unified United States Police Force, and land mines meant to blow away anyone who tries to escape via the bridges connected the various New York bureaus. All prisoners who enter the penitentiary receive a life sentence and are never allowed to come out alive.

Flash forward to 1997, where the National Liberation Front of America has taken control of Airforce One and plans to take the President of the United States (POTUS) hostage. The POTUS, who eerily resembles Ernst Stavro Blofeld, without the pussy cat, successfully escapes from Airforce One when he is shit out of the aircraft in a giant red egg.

Unfortunately, this giant red egg cracks open inside of the previously mentioned Manhattan National Security Penitentiary. There, the POTUS is captured by the penitentiary’s kingpin, “The Duke New York.” (Is it me or does The Duke sound just like “Chef” from South Park? I’m sure it’s just me!)

The New York Police Commissioner, a former spaghetti western assassin, decides to send a recently arrested prisoner into Manhattan to rescue the POTUS. This prisoner is none other than former high school quarterback and Elvis impersonator, “Snake” Plissken. Snake was a Special Forces operative, who earned two Purple Hearts and numerous metals during World War III. He must glide his way into the prison and save the POTUS within 23 hours, or two microcapsules will explode in his neck, killing him. If successful, Snake will be granted a full pardon for his crimes and…allowed to live.

Once inside of the prison, Snake gets help from a very helpful “Cabbie,” his former partner in crime, Harold “Brain” Hellman, and Brain’s big boobed girlfriend, Maggie, in locating and rescuing the POTUS. Brain informs Snake the Duke wants to unify all the prisoners and stage a mass exodus across the Queensboro Bridge, while using the POTUS as a human shield and a map Brain has created to avoid the landmines on the bridge.

The Duke chases Snake and company across the bridge leading to the Liberty Island Control Center. Cabbie hits a mine, splitting his car in half, taking his life. After Brain gets blown away by a land mine, Maggie, and her big boobs, are smashed by the Duke’s car. Snake and the POTUS flee on foot, with the POTUS being safely lifted over the wall by his police force.

Snake takes machine gun fire from The Duke until the POTUS uses executive force to gun down The Duke from the top of the wall. Snake is lifted over the wall and his neck explosives are safely disengaged by The Commissioner. With the POTUS safe and sound, Plissken is allowed to walk away to live the rest of his life as a free man.

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Embassy Pictures released Escape from NY on July 10, 1981. John Carpenter directed the film starring Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef, and Ernest Borgnine.

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