Stormgod Studios unleashed Breaking Barbi upon the world on February 14, 2019. Edward G. Negron directed the film starring Vera VanGuard, Paul Logan, and Amy Johnston. Visit Breaking Barbi’s Official Website , Facebook , and Instagram pages.
‘Breaking Barbi’ Movie Synopsis
Barbi is a famous fitness selfie queen who finds herself lost in the wilderness after her first date with the super hot Jake goes terribly wrong. Lost without cell service, supplies or survival skills, she begins a harrowing journey back to civilization with her face buried in her phone. Searching for the ultimate selfie, Barbi misses a huge alien mothership battling Homeland Security airplanes.
Now, as surviving agents counter attack on the ground to protect ‘Murica from the forces of intergalactic evil, Barbi meets Agent Radcliffe, Earth’s great hero. Through a series of misadventures, Barbi realizes that she must change her ways to become a better person. While facing her fear of losing fame and becoming a crazy cat lady, Barbi manages to save the world from the alien invaders…
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Stormgod Studios released Breaking Barbi worldwide on February 14, 2019. Edward G. Negron directed the film starring Vera VanGuard, Paul Logan, and Amy Johnston.