
Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Film and Plot Synopsis

“Alien Resurrection” is a science fiction horror film released in 1997, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and written by Joss Whedon. It is the fourth installment in the “Alien” film series. Set 200 years after the events of “Alien 3,” the movie follows a group of mercenaries aboard a spaceship, the USM Auriga, as they inadvertently revive Ellen Ripley, the deceased protagonist of the previous films, along with the deadly alien creatures she once fought.

‘Alien: Resurrection’ Movie Summary

The summary below contains spoilers.
Alien: Resurrection (1997)The film begins with a group of military scientists on board the USM Auriga conducting experiments to clone both Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and the alien queen that was gestating inside her at the time of her death. The goal of the project is to extract the alien embryo for military purposes while also resurrecting Ripley for further study. The cloning process results in the birth of a new Ripley, who is part human and part alien due to the genetic material extracted from the queen embryo. This hybrid Ripley possesses enhanced strength, reflexes, and a telepathic connection to the aliens.

Meanwhile, a group of mercenaries led by Captain Frank Elgyn (Michael Wincott) arrives at the Auriga to deliver kidnapped humans for use as hosts in the alien breeding experiments. Among the mercenaries are Ron Johner (Ron Perlman), Dom Vriess (Dominique Pinon), Annalee Call (Winona Ryder), Gary Christie (Gary Dourdan), and Sabra Hillard (Kim Flowers). As the mercenaries deliver their cargo, they encounter the newly resurrected Ripley, who is confused and disoriented but quickly demonstrates her extraordinary abilities. Ripley learns of her clone status and the experiments being conducted on board the ship, including the creation of the alien-human hybrids.

The ship’s medical staff begin conducting experiments with the aliens and the human subjects. Eventually, some of the aliens escape their enclosures and begin freeing other alien captives. The Auriga quickly becomes overrun with dangerous aliens. The commanding officer of the Auriga, General Martin Perez (Dan Hedaya), orders the crew to evacuate the ship. However, many military personnel, including General Perez, are killed in the process. The unmanned Auriga sets course for Earth, the ship’s former home base.

Elgyn and his men become trapped on the ship during the chaos and have to organize an escape attempt to return to their ship, the Betty, and get off the Auriga before it crashes back into Earth. Despite their initial mistrust of Ripley, the mercenaries reluctantly team up with her to escape the Auriga, which has become overrun by the rapidly growing alien creatures. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles, including the ship’s sadistic doctor, Dr. Wren (J.E. Freeman), and a series of increasingly aggressive alien specimens. Most of the crew of the Betty is killed in their escape.

I’m not the mechanic here, Ironsides! I mostly just hurt people! Ron Johner (Ron Perlman)

During their escape attempt, Ripley discovers a room containing failed clone experiments, each one a grotesque mutation of herself. Disturbed by the implications of her existence, she begins to question her identity and humanity. As the survivors navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the Auriga, they are pursued by the aliens, which continue to multiply and evolve into deadlier forms. The group faces numerous challenges, including a flooded chamber inhabited by aquatic aliens and a swarm of voracious newborns.
Amidst the chaos, Ripley forms a bond with Call, a secretive member of the mercenary group who harbors her own agenda. Call reveals that she is an android programmed to infiltrate the Auriga and sabotage the cloning project. Despite her initial distrust of Call, Ripley comes to rely on her as an ally.

As the survivors approach the ship’s escape pod, they encounter the alien queen, who has grown to enormous size and now serves as the hive’s matriarch. The alien queen gives a live birth to a human/alien hybrid that is as murderous as the alien species. After birth, the hybrid kills the alien and a cocooned scientist, Dr. Jonathan Gediman (Brad Dourif), after it fails to recognize the queen as its mother. However, the hybrid sees Ripley as its mother. Ripley uses the deaths to escape and makes a run for the Betty.

In the final moments of the film, Ripley shows her willingness to sacrifice herself for the surviving mercenaries, indicating that despite the experiments she has not lost her humanity. Ripley uses her alien acidic blood to create a hole in the hull of the Betty. The tiny hole begins sucking air into the vacuum of space. The alien hybrid is sucked out into space in small pieces, just as the Betty is entering the atmosphere of Earth. Ripley’s actions save Call’s android life. In the aftermath, Ripley and Call wonder what they are going to do next as they find themselves pilgrims in an unknown land.

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20th Century Fox released Alien: Resurrection on November 26, 1997. Jean-Pierre Jeunet directed the film starring Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, and Dominique Pinon.

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