RKO Radio Pictures released Ball of Fire to theaters on December 2, 1941. Howard Hawks directed film starring Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, and Oskar Homolka.
‘Ball of Fire’ Movie Summary
An English professor and his colleagues are working on a dictionary of American slang when stumble upon a red-hot night club singer on the run from the mob. Before they know it, all hell breaks loose, and people fall in love.
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RKO Radio Pictures released Ball of Fire on December 2, 1941. Howard Hawks directed film starring Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, and Oskar Homolka.
Great podcast. Stanwyck is probably my favorite actress. Is The Lady Eve planned for any future podcasts? I think it’s my favorite performance of hers.
I have not seen that movie yet. It’s been on my list for a long time though. We will be reviewing it on the Golden Age though.
“The Lady Eve” is a Criterion title (YAY!!!!!). Not to tip my hand but it “may” come out as one of my picks in the near future. Just don’t tell Patrick or Shane A.
Agreed, I believe “The Lady Eve” and “Ball of Fire” are my two favorite Barbara movies I’ve seen but she’s great in anything – including “The Big Valley” tv series. She was one-of-a-kind. Probably why we had such a hard time coming up with a modern day version of her. There will never be another like her. :'(
Lady Eve is a top 100 for sure. Several Preston Sturges films are worthy of that. I’m curious to see another Gary Cooper Stanwyck film, Blowing Wild, it sounds intersting. A great choice for a future Xmas podcast is Remember the Night, starring Stanwyck and Fred McMurray(made before Double Indemnity)
Btw Shane said Dana Andrews was in Day the Earth Stood Still, not sure who he confused him with, but he’s definitely not in that film.
Message to Shane Adam: were you like me and watched Bill Collins Golden Age of Hollywood on Saturday nights? He finally retired and I watched the tribute to him on Foxtel by Graham Blundell…. so sweet