Movie House Memories

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

Episode #127

Paramount Pictures released Once Upon a Time in the West on December 20, 1968. Sergio Leone directed the film starring Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, and Claudia Cardinale.

‘Once Upon a Time in the West’ Movie Summary

In Once Upon a Time in the West, a mysterious stranger with a harmonica arrives and joins forces with a notorious desperado wrongly framed for murder. The two wind up protecting a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin who works for a railroad kingpin. Everyone’s mysterious pasts are brought to light, and loyalties tested amid gun battles and stylish vistas in this sweeping frontier tale.

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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Paramount Pictures released Once Upon a Time in the West on December 20, 1968. Sergio Leone directed the film starring Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, and Claudia Cardinale.

User Rating: 4.73 ( 2 votes)
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6 years ago

FYI Romeo & Juliet did not win best picture that year, Oliver! did. romeo only won 2 technical awards, I did a double take as soon as you said that:)
Fonda played another villain in 1968 – in the film Firecreek. He was played as a somewhat sympathetic villain until the end(the 60s were a time when they were trying to deconstruct western archetypes)
The 2001 comments are blasphemy:)
And Chris I don’t buy that you don’t like long movies. I’m eagerly anticipating the Greed podcast! 4 hour silent film!
And as far as Roxanne goes I guess Bobby put it in his top 5. If Chris can put idiocracy at #1, that doesn’t seem all that odd.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

Some trivia – Leone wanted Clint Eastwood to play Harmonica. Also since we talked about extras on the criterion podcast, the special edition of this film is pretty impressive, with extras on par with criterion. Chris, what do you think of Once Upon a Time in America? Also, when is your oscar prediction podcast?

6 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

Once Upon a Time in America I have only watched once a long time ago. I remember liking it, but could not tell you much about it now. I should re-watch it.

I think we will be recording the Oscar prediction this week or next to be released ASAP.

6 years ago
Reply to  MHMChris

I’ve gone on record multiple times that I don’t like Mafia movies, but Once Upon a Time in America is my exception. I’ve watched it 4-5 times including last year. My favorite Mafia movie by far. 🙂 Leone’s movies are that much more amazing with Morricone’s score. Worth the nearly 4 hour timeline. It’s in my top-100.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eddie

How can you not like 2001?! I will have Jonna on that podcast. She loves it.

I do like longer movies, but I can’t sit and watch them in one viewing. Greed is great, but I break it into two nights when I watch it. If I remember correctly, the original cut of it was 13 hours long!

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