MHM Mart
Royole Moon – 3D Mobile Theater
The Royole Moon is a 3D mobile theater that gives a virtual big screen experience using a specially designed headset with two Full HD 1080p OLED screens. Don’t call this Moon a VR (virtual reality) headset! No, sir. Unlike Sony’s PSVR or the Oculus Rift this is designed to create the impression that you are looking at a huge cinema screen in 2D or 3D.
MHM’s Bobby owns a pair, and he loves them! He says that if you wear glasses with astigmatism, they aren’t perfect. If you have regular vision, there’s nothing like them; especially the 3D. When he plugged them into his 3D Blu-ray of Avatar, it was perfection. He’s just bought Avengers: Endgame today in 3D, and will let us know how that looks as well.