Alexandra Holden
In a World… (2013)
Film and Plot Synopsis In a World… begins with Carol Solomon who is a struggling vocal coach who dreams of doing voice-over work for films and television. Her father, Sam Sotto, is considered the king of voice-overs, but he discourages Carol from entering his industry. However, when Carol records a temporary track of voice-over narration for a trailer to a major fantasy film series, doors begin to open to her. Meanwhile, the rest of Carol’s family each have their personal issues that threaten to split them all up. ‘In a World… ‘ Movie Summary The summary below contains spoilers. In In a World…, Carol Solomon (Lake Bell) is a struggling vocal coach who dreams of doing voice-over work. She depends on the generosity of her family members who provide her with a place to live. In the beginning of the film, she is living with her father Sam Sotto (Fred Melamed), a Hollywood actor who is known as the king of voice-overs due to his extensive narration of films and television. Sam recently published his autobiography and is set to receive a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Trailer Awards, awards given out for theatrical trailers. Sam is very critical …
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MHM Mart
In a World… (2013) finds its voice on Blu-ray
On January 21, 2014, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released In a World... on Blu-ray. Lake Bell directed the film starring Lake Bell, Fred Melamed, and Michaela Watkins.
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