Eddie Jones
The Rocketeer (1991)
Film and Plot Synopsis Based on the comic book hero created in the 1980’s, the Rocketeer recreates 1930’s Hollywood, complete with the dangerous world of violent gangsters and Nazi espionage. Set in the backdrop of the early years of the Age of Aviation, young pilot Cliff Secord stumbles on a top-secret rocket-pack and soon finds himself fighting for his life against the Valentine gang and Nazi spies, while trying to stay a step ahead of the FBI. Cliff is assisted by his mechanic/mentor Peevy and his girlfriend Jenny as he learns what it means to be the flying hero known as The Rocketeer. ‘The Rocketeer’ Movie Summary The summary below contains spoilers. In 1938, two thieves steal a rocket pack from Howard Hughes (Terry O’Quinn). The thieves work for Los Angeles gangster Eddie Valentine (Paul Sorvino), who has been hired by movie star Neville Sinclair (Timothy Dalton) to steal the rocket pack. The thieves are pursued by authorities, and the chase leads to an airfield outside of Los Angeles. One of the thieves is shot and killed, but the other thief hides the pack in a biplane cockpit. The biplane ends up being involved in an accident with a car, …
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MHM Mart
The Rocketeer (1991) Jets onto Blu-ray
On December 13, 2011, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released The Rocketeer on Blu-ray. Joe Johnston directed the film starring Billy Campbell, Jennifer Connelly, and Alan Arkin.
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