Liesel Matthews
Air Force One (1997)
Film and Plot Synopsis A thriller about a steadfast United States President who has just told the world he will not negotiate with terrorists. Now, Russian neo-nationalists have hijacked Air Force One with the hope that they will be able to negotiate the release of a violent Russian dictator from prison. The President is now faced with a nearly impossible decision: give in to terrorist demands or sacrifice not only the country’s dignity, but the lives of his wife and daughter. ‘Air Force One’ Movie Summary The summary below contains spoilers. Air Force One begins with a combined United States – Russian Special Forces operation that abducts General Ivan Radek (Jürgen Prochnow) from his bedroom. Radek is the evil dictator of Kazakhstan. Three weeks later, the United States President, James Marshall (Harrison Ford), is speaking at a diplomatic dinner in Moscow. During the speech, Marshall declares that the United States will no longer negotiate with terrorists, nor will they allow terrorists to conduct their operations without reprisals. Marshall’s advisors are upset with Marshall for committing the United States to that doctrine. A short time later, Marshall, his wife Grace (Wendy Crewson), their 12-year-old daughter Alice (Liesel Matthews), and several of …
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MHM Mart
Air Force One (1997) lands on Blu-ray
On June 2, 2009, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment released Air Force One on Blu-ray. Wolfgang Petersen directed the film starring Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, and Glenn Close.
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