Theodore Melfi
March 28, 2020
St. Vincent (2014)
Film and Plot Synopsis St. Vincent stars Bill Murray as Vincent MacKenna, a crusty old man who ends up caring for the son of his new neighbor Maggie. Although he’s a cynic who gambles, drinks, and frequents strip clubs, Vincent turns out to be exactly the mentor the 12-year-old kid needs as the young boy adjusts to his parents’ divorce, and life at a new school. When Vincent’s wife passes away and he suffers a stroke, he learns how much he has affected the lives of those around him. ‘St. Vincent’ Movie Summary The summary below contains spoilers. Vincent MacKenna (Bill Murray) is a hard man to like. He smokes, drinks, and gambles too much for his lifestyle. Vincent’s wife, Sandy (Donna Mitchell), has Alzheimer’s and no longer recognizes Vincent. She lives in an expensive rehabilitation facility which is the primary reason for Vincent’s financial troubles. He visits Sandy often and poses as a doctor. He also does her laundry for her between visits. Other than his wife, Vincent has very few friends, although he has some acquaintances who care about him. His primary companions are his cat Felix and a pregnant Russian sex worker, Daka (Naomi Watts). Single mom …
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March 28, 2020
St. Vincent (2014) takes care on Blu-ray
On February 17, 2015, Anchor Bay Entertainment released St. Vincent on Blu-ray. Theodore Melfi directed the film starring Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, and Naomi Watts.
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