Movie House Concessions

Teeth (2007)

Episode #30

Roadside Attractions released Teeth on April 3, 2008. Mitchell Lichtenstein directed the film starring Jess Weixler, John Hensley, and Josh Pais.

Teeth Movie Summary

Dawn is a high school girl who grew up in the shadow of a nuclear power plant. During an evolution lesson in her biology class, Dawn realizes she may have a special evolutionary trait of her own. However, she can not tell her mother, step-father, or asshole step-brother. They just don’t get her. Additionally, Dawn has a crush on a boy named Tobey, and he thinks she’s swell too. Oddly (or not) the two have taken a pledge to remain chaste until marriage. The two court in groups, watch G-rated films, don’t kiss… and never feed after midnight! Dawn has an orbiter named Ryan, and when things get crazy between her and Tobey, she turns to Ryan for help. However, this evolutionary trait she’s got is taking a huge chunk of fun out of everyone’s lives, which isn’t nice!

Read the full summary, and add the film to your collection today!

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Roadside Attractions released Teeth on April 3, 2008. Mitchell Lichtenstein directed the film starring Jess Weixler, John Hensley, and Josh Pais.

User Rating: 2.65 ( 1 votes)
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